Current KBA RAPIDA RA 164 5 Offers
If you are looking for a used KBA RAPIDA RA 164 5 machine, check out the available offers below. If you have questions, please, contact us, mentioning the machine you need and we’ll figure out the best options for you
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Дата создания:
RA 164 5
Technical details
В производстве
Под напряжением
Тест возможен
Доступно с
Как новый
Sheet Counter
56 Mío. !! Only
Max. format
1,205 x 1,640 mm
Min. format :
600 x 800 mm
Print output
15.000 Sp/h
Stock Thickness :
60-250 g/m2
VARIDAMP alcohol dampening
Saphira Blanket Pro 100
DriveTronic SPC - Simultaneous Plate Change
SIS Sensoric Infeed System
Straight machine printing
Logotronic Professional
EES - Emission Extraction System
Wall screen for visualisation of all press processes
ErgoTronic ACR - Automatic Camera Register, video camera for register setting
Machine oil for drive gears
Additional package "Active air-cooling for control cabinets"
Pallet for Nonstop, plastic material
Pile entry from the front of the feeder (central)
Fully-automatic plate change FAPC, incl. one pneumatic plate bending device at
the gallery
Pile exit in sheet travel direction (central)
Inking unit temperature control without ink duct roller cooling, incl. High-tech
combi-cooling unit, air-cooled (TECHNOTRANS)
Additional equipment for light-weight paper printing
Roller covering for alcohol-reduced printing
CleanTronic Synchro - washing system for blankets and impression cylinders for
simultaneous washing processes - for conventional OR UV inks
Nonstop roller, not descending
Motorized correction of the individual front lays
Printing plate thickness 0.4 mm
ErgoTronic App
Interface to connect external inline-third party measurement devices
DataMatrix-Select – Automatic plate identification and uploading of job data via
plate ident