
Current Offers

If you are looking for a used machine, check out the available offers below. If you have questions, please, contact us, mentioning the machine you need and we’ll figure out the best options for you

È disponibile

Showing: 12/184

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In produzione
Potenza insufficiente
Test possibile
Disponibile da
Contatore (Milioni)
225 Mio.
Formato massimo
590 x 740 mm
Stampa in uscita fogli all'ora
15.000 s.p./h
Double sheet control - mechanic
Autoplate (Semi automatic plate change )
Antistatic ELTEX
Auto register
Extended delivery HD version 2
Extended delivery LX2
Grafix Exatronic powder spray
Preset Plus in feeder
Preset Plus in delivery
Max speed 15.000 sheets/h
Intercommunication system between infeed and delivery
Steel Plate feeder and delivery
Alcolor Vario dampening
Automatic Blanket Impressions Cylinders & Inking Rollers washing devices
Intercom to delivery
multiple sheet detector
Non Stop rake
Double Coater with extended delivery
CP 2000 console touch screen
AirStar pro water cooled
I.S.T. UV End of press UV final 3 lamps
InkLine (automatic ink supply )
Each print unit is prepared for UV ­
I.S.T. UV UV Interdeck lamps (x2) movable all positions

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In produzione
Potenza insufficiente
Test possibile
Disponibile da
Contatore (Milioni)
100 Mio.
Formato massimo
740 x 1060 mm
Formato mínimo :
340 x 480 mm
Spessore del materiale (mm):
100 g - up to 1,2 mm
Stampa in uscita fogli all'ora
18.000 sph.
HS Code:
Double sheet control - ultrasonic
Chromed impression cylinders
Electromechanic double-sheet control
VARIDAMP alcohol dampening
CX equipment (additional equipment for cardboard until 1.2 mm)
Intercommunication system between infeed and delivery
elevated press 450 mm
ACR Control Video register
Ultrasonic double sheet control
Video System for sheet travel
KBA DriveTronic Feeder
Non Stop feeder
IR Hot Air and UV Dryer on delivery
Lack Unit (Harris & Bruno)
Harris & Bruno coating unit
Hikey Picker
Automatic feeder height adjustment
Blower ionization on feeder
Sheet Trave Automatic setting of the substrate thickness
ALV 3900 mm extended delivery
ACS (Air-Cleaning-System)
2 Coating unit (L) with chambered doctor blade system
KBA PressSupport 24 Sheetfed
High-pressure compressor for setting pneumatic
Dust Removal in the Infeed
Additional washing cloth spindle
Varnish supply and cleaning system for water-based varnish and UV-varnish, with operation via control console, pump output dependent on viscosity (HARRIS & BRUNO)
Additional anilox roller (according to KBA standard)
Anilox roller 100 Linien/cm line engraving
Handrail for delivery platform (3m x 3.2m) 450mm
Wall screen for visualisation of all press processes
ErgoTronic ACR - Automatic Camera Register, video camera for register setting
Digital speed display
Fully-automatic plate change FAPC, incl. one pneumatic plate bending device at the gallery
IPA reduction < 5% incl. microfilter "beta.f" (TECHNOTRANS)
Additional package "Active air-cooling for control cabinets" Cooling unit for main control cabinet
4 additional Anilox rollers
GRAFIX MEGATRONIC-S with control station operation and ionization (Kersten)
SIS – Sensoric Infeed System, sidelay-free lateral sheet alignment with automatic format setting via ErgoTronic console, lateral alignment occurs by means of movable infeed gripper bar
Inking unit temperature control without ink duct roller cooling, incl. High-tech combi-cooling unit, air-cooled (TECHNOTRANS)
Roller covering for alcohol-reduced printing
KBA VariDry IR/HotAir in the drying unit
QualiTronic ColorControl (straight printing) - Inline ink density measurement
Varnish supply and cleaning system for water-based varnish, with operation via control console, pump output dependent on viscosity (HARRIS & BRUNO)
Automatic Nonstop system with pile board
CleanTronic Synchro - Multi-purpose washing system for blanket and impression cylinders & roller washing for simultaneous washing processes
KBA VariDry IR/HotAir/UV in delivery and extended delivery (ALV3)
Spectral measurement and control within the image
Live picture monitor for viewing the inking process

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Disponibile da
Contatore (Milioni)
110 Million
Sheet size (max in mm)
720 x 1050 mm
Sheet size ( minimum in mm )
360 x 520 mm
Stampa in uscita fogli all'ora
15.000 s.p.h.
All Wash Up Devices
Combination dryer hot air / IR
Electromechanic double-sheet control
Grafix Multicontrol
VARIDAMP alcohol dampening
CX equipment (additional equipment for cardboard until 1.2 mm)
KBA Grafix Rapid Dry
Ultrasonic double sheet control
PWHA semi automatic plate change
Non Stop feeder
ALV 2 (extended delivery)
Harris & Bruno coating unit
Weko AP 232 powder spray
ColorTronic ink fountain with 35 ink keys each 30 mm wide

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In produzione
Potenza insufficiente
Test possibile
Disponibile da
Molto bene
Formato massimo
1020 x 1420 mm
Formato mínimo :
500 x 700 mm
Pressione massima
600 tons
6.000 sp/h
All books, Manuals and Tools
Stripping Unit
Push lay opposite operator side

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In produzione
Potenza insufficiente
Test possibile
Disponibile da
Molto bene
Formato massimo
720 x 1020 mm
Formato mínimo :
280 x 420 mm
Stampa in uscita fogli all'ora
15.000 s.p.h.
Anilox roller 80 L/cm
Drystar 3000 combination dryer
Autoplate (Semi automatic plate change )
Chromed impression cylinders
Coating unit with Tresu chamber doctor blade
Preset Plus in feeder
Preset Plus in delivery
Max speed 15.000 sheets/h
Intercommunication system between infeed and delivery
High Pile delivery
Electromechanical double sheet control
IPA reduced printing package
Steel plate in feeder
Steel Plate feeder and delivery
Thickness 0,3 - to 1,0 mm
Alcolor Vario dampening
Coater with Tresu Anilox Chambered Doctor Blade
Intercom to delivery
Extended 3 Módulos (X3)
multiple sheet detector
Non Stop rake
UV package delivery
Powder sprayer
Varnish Supply unit 550 l/h
IR dryer 3 slides in units
Eltex antistatic on feeder
Air Transfer System
CP 2000 console touch screen
Chiller Included
CleanStar Preset
IPA-Metering Premium
ZMK electronic side lays control
I.S.T. UV End of press UV final 3 lamps
Printing units prepared for intermediate UV dryers
Non Stop in the feeder
Non Stop board
Thickness 0,03 mm - 1,00 mm
Instant Gate
Anilox roller 100 L/cm
Tresu Anilox Coating Unit
Complete with manuals and tools
UV Interdeck I.S.T. UV lamp (x3) movable all positions
Non Stop delivery
InkLine (automatic ink supply )
CombiStar CANopen : Technotrans ink temp control combined with damping refrigeration + Alcosmart
Ultrasonic double sheet detection
CP 2000 Master Level

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In produzione
Potenza insufficiente
Test possibile
Disponibile da
Molto bene
Contatore (Milioni)
110 Mio.
Formato massimo
720 x 1020 mm
Stampa in uscita fogli all'ora
15.000 Sheets/h
Formato mínimo :
400 x 420 mm
Consumo di potenza
89 kw
Autoplate (Semi automatic plate change )
Sheet slow down device
Preset Feeder
High Pile delivery
Grafix Exatronic Plus powder sprayer
Rear edge blowers
Alcolor Vario dampening
Chromed cylinders
multiple sheet detector
CP 2000 console touch screen
AirStar Pro (Air-cooled)
Program-controlled wash-up device (Roller, Blanket & ICWD)
Pull Lay Control - Double Sheet Control
Plate Cylinder: 0,15 cylinder undercut
Preset delivery
rear edge suction
Complete with manuals and tools

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Potenza insufficiente
Test possibile
Disponibile da
Molto bene
Larghezza massima di taglio
168 x 168 cm
Velocità del coltello
Touch Screen
Chrome table
Including Tools, Manuals and Accessories
Complete with manuals and tools

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Potenza insufficiente
Test possibile
Disponibile da
Contatore (Milioni)
160 Million
Formato massimo
740 x 1,040 mm
Formato mínimo :
360 x 520 mm
Spessore del materiale (mm):
50 - to 450 grm²
Stampa in uscita fogli all'ora
15.000 sh/h
5 + 0 - 1 + 4
double sheet control - electronic
VARIDAMP alcohol dampening
Machine with perfecting device
PWHA semi automatic plate change
Baldwin refrigeration
Weko Ionomat Powder spray (controlled by Colortronic)
Blanket wash up device

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In produzione
Potenza insufficiente
Test possibile
Disponibile da
Molto bene
Stampa in uscita fogli all'ora
13.000 sp/h
8 + 0 - 4 + 4
Contatore (Milioni)
Formato massimo
720 x 1020
Formato mínimo :
400 x 420
Alcosmart AZR
double sheet control - electronic
Autoplate (Semi automatic plate change )
Autoplate with Heidelberg register
Sheet slow down device
Preset Plus in feeder
Preset Plus in delivery
Perfect Jackets
PowderStar AP 500 DUO
Rear edge blowers
Alcolor Vario dampening
Intercom to delivery
multiple sheet detector
Eltex ionization on delivery
CP 2000 console touch screen
Program-controlled wash-up device (Roller, Blanket & ICWD)
CleanStar Preset
AirStar pro water cooled
Grafix Exatronic duo plus powder sprayer
Pull Lay Control - Double Sheet Control
IPA-Metering Premium
Plate Cylinder: 0,15 cylinder undercut
Instant Gate
Antistatic device/Compact feeder
Complete with manuals and tools
CombiStar pro inking unit temperature control, water cooled, with AlcoSmart
Ultrasonic double sheet detection
CP 2000 Master Level
CP 2000 Tandem wash up concept

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In produzione
Potenza insufficiente
Test possibile
Disponibile da
Formato massimo
740 x 1060 mm
Formato mínimo :
340 x 480 mm
Stampa in uscita fogli all'ora
18.000 s.p.h.
Spessore del materiale (mm):
0,06 up to 0,8 mm
All Wash Up Devices
Double sheet control - ultrasonic
CIP Link with online connection
VARIDAMP alcohol dampening
Intercommunication system between infeed and delivery
CleanTronic Synchro for parallel washing for rollers and blankets cylinders
Coating unit with doctor chamber blades + Anilox roller
Ink temperature control
ErgoTronic ICR (register control)
Lack Unit (Harris & Bruno)
Chromed cylinders
Automatic feeder height adjustment
ACS (Air-Cleaning-System)
Ergotronic LAB (Colour measurement and control according to LAB values)
Qualitronic PSO match (Colour control according to the PSO)
2 Coating unit (L) with chambered doctor blade system
Anilox loader – Anilox roller change for 3 anilox rollers in the coater
Varnish supply and cleaning system for water-based varnish and UV-varnish, with operation via control console, pump output dependent on viscosity (HARRIS & BRUNO)
Additional anilox roller (according to KBA standard)
KBA VariDry BLUE IR/HotAir/UV in delivery and extended delivery (ALV3)
Motorized console height adjustment with memory function
Wall screen for visualisation of all press processes
ErgoTronic Lab - Color measurement and control acc. to Lab values
QualiTronic KBA Control Strip 2012
Machine oil for drive gears
Additional package "Active air-cooling for control cabinets"
Drying unit (T) for straight-printing presses
Extended delivery 3800mm (ALV 3)
Fully-automatic plate change FAPC, incl. one pneumatic plate bending device at the gallery
IPA reduction < 5% incl. microfilter "beta.f" (TECHNOTRANS)
ErgoTronic ColorControl - Automatic ink density measurement along x and y axis at the ErgoTronic console
Kba PressSupport 24 Sheetfed with internet connection for remote maintenance and software updates
Additional package "High efficiency antistatic equipment"
QualiTronic Quality Pass - Creation of colour measurement reports for quality control
SIS – Sensoric Infeed System, sidelay-free lateral sheet alignment with automatic format setting via ErgoTronic console, lateral alignment occurs by means of movable infeed gripper bar
Inking unit temperature control without ink duct roller cooling, incl. High-tech combi-cooling unit, air-cooled (TECHNOTRANS)
Roller covering for alcohol-reduced printing
KBA VariDry IR/HotAir in the drying unit
QualiTronic ColorControl (straight printing) - Inline ink density measurement
Varnish supply and cleaning system for water-based varnish, with operation via control console, pump output dependent on viscosity (HARRIS & BRUNO)

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In produzione
Potenza insufficiente
Test possibile
Disponibile da
Contatore (Milioni)
125 Mio.
Formato massimo
530 mm × 750 mm
Formato mínimo :
280 mm x 350 mm
Stampa in uscita fogli all'ora
15.000 sh/h.
Alcosmart AZR
Autoplate (Semi automatic plate change )
Prinect Press Center
Press Center Instant Gate
Alcolor Vario dampening
Automatic Blanket Impressions Cylinders & Inking Rollers washing devices
Press Center Master Level
PowderStar AP 262 powder sprayer

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In produzione
Potenza insufficiente
Test possibile
Disponibile da
Contatore (Milioni)
249 Million
Formato massimo
1.020 x 1.420 mm
Stampa in uscita fogli all'ora
13.000 s.p.h
Formato mínimo :
600 x 850 mm
Formato di stampa max.
990 x 1.400 mm
Piastre Lunghezza x larghezza
1.140 x 1.41O mm
Chromed impression cylinders
ROLAND DELTAMATIC dampening system
Extended Delivery
Automatic blanket, roller and impression-cylinder washing device
Electromechanic double-sheet control
Electromechanical double sheet control
PPL semi automatic plate change
PECOM Press Centre
Grapho Metronic Ink Temperature Control
Prepress Link with JobPilot PressMonitor
RCI Remote Ink Control with CCI
Steel Plate in feeder and Delivery
Infrared + Hot air dryer
Performance Package for cardboard printing (510_KPB_20)
Air Glide Delivery
Suction feed board
Atlas Copco GA 77 FF
6 Color + Varnish
Roland Seccomatic
LCS Low Coverage Stabilisation
ProfitPlus package
Automatic Non Stop version in the delivery
Corrugated Cardboard Package printing on thin corrugated cardboard up to 1.2 mm (G- and F-channel)
Hybrid equipment with 2 UV Interdeck + 3 UV Lamps in delivery + IR-Hot air dryer in delivery
Raised (500 mm )
Water base coating: chambered ductor system + Anilox rollers