Current KOMORI GL 640 C Offers
If you are looking for a used KOMORI GL 640 C machine, check out the available offers below. If you have questions, please, contact us, mentioning the machine you need and we’ll figure out the best options for you
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Дата создания:
GL 640 C
Technical details
В производстве
Под напряжением
Тест возможен
Доступно с
Print output
16.500 sp/h
Max. format
720 x 1,030 mm
Sheet Counter
83 Mio.
Min. format :
360 x 520
Stock Thickness :
0.04 – 1.0 mm
Max. print format
710 x 1020 mm
Max. plate format (height x width)
800 x 1,030 mm
Weight Approx
45.000 KG
FAPC full automatic plate change
Full-AMR Automated Make Ready
KOMORIMATIC-2 con smorzamento ad effetto delta
KMS V Komori Monitoring System
PQC (print quality control console)
Venturi Air Guide (Skeleton Transfer Cylinder)
Unità di stampa preparate per essiccatori UV intermedi
Automatic Impression cylinder Cleaners (AICC)
Automatic Ink Roller Cleaner (AIRC )
Automatic blanket Washers (ABW)
Komori Extended delivery
Spettrofotometro online Komori PDC SX Funzione filtro Poli
Cambiamenti di densità controllati dal programma Komori Smart Feedback
Quality and reliability in an eco-friendly and economical innovative UV curing system
Smart Sequencing for Automatic Job Processing
Docking Station in all printing units
Monitor on the PQC to check register, density
Declutch on first and last unit
Independent speed control of the dampening roller