Current KBA RAPIDA RA 106 6 LTTL FAPC ALV3 Offers
If you are looking for a used KBA RAPIDA RA 106 6 LTTL FAPC ALV3 machine, check out the available offers below. If you have questions, please, contact us, mentioning the machine you need and we’ll figure out the best options for you
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Tanggal pembuatan:
Technical details
Dalam produksi
Kurang bertenaga
Tes Kemungkinan
Tersedia dari
Sangat baik
Max. format
740 x 1060 mm
Min. format :
340 x 480 mm
Print output
18.000 s.p.h.
Stock Thickness :
0,06 up to 0,8 mm
Todos os dispositivos de lavagem
Controle de folha dupla - ultra-som
CIP Link com conexão on-line
VARIDAMP amortecedor de álcool
CleaningTronic Synchro para lavagem paralela de rolos e cilindros de manta
Unidade de revestimento com lâminas doctor chamber + rolo Anilox
Controle da temperatura da tinta
ErgoTronic ICR (controlo de registo)
Cilindros cromados
Sistema de limpeza do Ar ACS
Ergotronic LAB (Medição e controle de cor de acordo com valores LAB)
Qualitronic PSO match (Controle de cores de acordo com o PSO)
2 Coating unit (L) with chambered doctor blade system
Anilox loader – Anilox roller change for 3 anilox rollers in the coater
Varnish supply and cleaning system for water-based varnish and UV-varnish, with
operation via control console, pump output dependent on viscosity (HARRIS &
Additional anilox roller (according to KBA standard)
KBA VariDry BLUE IR/HotAir/UV in delivery and extended delivery (ALV3)
Motorized console height adjustment with memory function
Wall screen for visualisation of all press processes
ErgoTronic Lab - Color measurement and control acc. to Lab values
QualiTronic KBA Control Strip 2012
Machine oil for drive gears
Additional package "Active air-cooling for control cabinets"
Drying unit (T) for straight-printing presses
Extended delivery 3800mm (ALV 3)
Fully-automatic plate change FAPC, incl. one pneumatic plate bending device at
the gallery
IPA reduction < 5% incl. microfilter "beta.f" (TECHNOTRANS)
ErgoTronic ColorControl - Automatic ink density measurement along x and y axis at the ErgoTronic console
Kba PressSupport 24 Sheetfed with internet connection for remote maintenance and software updates
Additional package "High efficiency antistatic equipment"
QualiTronic Quality Pass - Creation of colour measurement reports for quality control
SIS – Sensoric Infeed System, sidelay-free lateral sheet alignment with automatic format setting
via ErgoTronic console, lateral alignment occurs by means of movable infeed gripper bar
Inking unit temperature control without ink duct roller cooling, incl. High-tech
combi-cooling unit, air-cooled (TECHNOTRANS)
Roller covering for alcohol-reduced printing
KBA VariDry IR/HotAir in the drying unit
QualiTronic ColorControl (straight printing) - Inline ink density measurement
Varnish supply and cleaning system for water-based varnish, with operation via
control console, pump output dependent on viscosity (HARRIS & BRUNO)