Buy reliable, fast, and professionally inspected

Used Cutting Machines

Check all offers and find what’s best for your business, while Machinex takes care of your upgrade

Latest Offers Of
Used Cutting Machines

Let Machinex Find & Install
A Used Cutting Machine For You

Machinex ist ein internationales Unternehmen, das aus einem Team von mehr als 12 Nationalitäten besteht, das Sie in der von Ihnen benötigten Sprache betreuen und alle Zweifel an Ihrem Kauf oder Verkauf von Maschinen klären kann. Wir sind ein erfahrenes Team, das auf internationale Produkte spezialisiert ist ,unsere Kunden sind unsere Priorität. Wir sind bereit, Ihnen zu dienen!

Do you wish to upgrade your industrial cutting machine? Machinex experts will inspect your equipment, dismount it, and install the new machine of your choice. Just have a look at the current offers to find a machine that will suit your growing business needs


Machinex employees dismount and install all cutting machines themselves, so you don’t have to worry about this. This also minimizes the risk of damage during installation, ensuring that your new machine will be fully set and ready for production


Moving heavy precision cutting equipment may be a challenge for a regular shipping carrier. So Machinex will take care of the transportation, choosing companies that have a big track record of successful deliveries. Packing and handling are also on us


Your business is unique, so Machinex experts are always ready to consult you on the available used cutting machines that will match your business needs and employee knowledge. All of this makes your upgrade to more capable equipment as smooth as possible

Quality Check

All offset cutting machinery available from Machinex is quality-checked by our professional team before appearing on the website. Our team members specialize in certain brands and machine types to make sure that your new equipment will work as expected

Expert Engineers

The Machinex team of experts checks all the systems of your new offset cutting machinery, both before and after installation at your facility. They replace critical worn-out parts and more to ensure that your new machine operates smoothly for production

Let’s choose your next printing machine together

Please, describe what you are looking for in the following contact form. Machinex experts will contact you within the next two business days to discuss the best approach that will meet your specific business needs.

Ready To Assist Your Business
Where You Need It

Mueller Martini