Current HEIDELBERG SM 52 4 L Offers
If you are looking for a used HEIDELBERG SM 52 4 L machine, check out the available offers below. If you have questions, please, contact us, mentioning the machine you need and we’ll figure out the best options for you
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Fecha de creación:
SM 52 4 L
Technical details
Disponible desde
Muy bien
Formato máx.
370 x 520 mm
Espesor :
up to 0,4 mm (sheet transfer)
Contador diario
80 Million
Alcolor film dampening
CP 2000 - Digital machine control and diagnosis
double sheet control - electronic
Autoplate (Semi automatic plate change )
Extended delivery HD version 2
High Pile delivery
Electromechanical double sheet control
4 Colour straight Machine
Grafix Alphatronic 200 Powder Spray
Chromed cylinders
multiple sheet detector
Non Stop rake
Electromechanical Stream Controls
Program-controlled wash-up device (Roller, Blanket & ICWD)
Varnish Supply unit 180l/h
Interface adapter
Extended delivery X1
Non Stop in the feeder
NS ( Non Stop in the delivery )